Ball Animation
In class, we learned how to make a ball bounce. It was pretty hard at first, but I did figure it out.
The process
As I said before, it was hard at first. I had a hard time saving the backgrounds. I had a to start over a lot, but now I know what to do. It was really fun to learn how to animate the ball. At times I didn't put a lot of notes so i was kind of confused when working. I think the hardest part about this starting over all the time and understanding what was happening. I really appreciate that Lizzy helped me when I need it (and it was a lot).
What I learned
I learned how to make a ball bounce. Over all, everything I learned was new. It was a lot of work to start over almost everyday. I learned that if the balls are too far away from each other, the animation will look really choppy. I also learned that you shouldn't squish the ball too much.What I'd do differently
I'd make the balls closer together. Like I said, it looks really choppy. I'd also make sure it saves correctly each time. Other than that, I wouldn't really change anything.